Render Form Guide

Renders a form, created in Designer 8.2, to a form guide, provided that a form guide layout was created using Guide Builder. You can use this service in a process map or to configure the render service, which is a preprocessing step for an xfaForm variable.

It is not recommended that you modify this service directly because it is possible to do so by using Workbench. Make a copy of the service, modify it, and then use your copy as a preprocessing step for an xfaForm variable.

Important: Upgrading to LiveCycle leaves the Render Form Guide service unchanged. If you want to change your previous render service, then you need to import that service.

invoke operation

Sets the necessary parameters for retrieving the form, specifies the location of the form guide, and invokes the (Deprecated) renderFormGuide operation operation.

For information about the General and Route Evaluation property groups, see Common operation properties.

Input properties

Form Url

A string value that specifies the URL location of the form in the repository or at a network location on a file system.

Input Form Data

A document value that represents the form data to merge with the form.

If you provide a literal value, when you click the ellipsis button  , the Open dialog box appears, where the form that represents the data can be selected from the local computer or a network location.

Target Url

A string value that specifies the URL of the web application or servlet that the submitted form data is sent to.

User Agent

A string value that specifies a list of the user’s web browser settings, delimited by a semicolon (;). For example, such a list may appear like the following value:

Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; .NET CLR 2.0.50727;

Output properties

Rendered Form

A document value that stores the location of the form guide.

Invocation Policy properties

Specifies whether to wait for a response after invoking the operation by selecting either Do Not Wait For Response or Wait For Response. The default is Wait For Response.

Do Not Wait For Response

Specifies that no response is required from the server.

Wait For Response

Specifies that a response is required from the server before further processing.

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