Data itemsThe data items that PDFSignatureField variables
nameA string value
that represents the fully qualified name of the signature field.
If you are signing a PDF document that is based on a form created
in Designer, you can use a partial name of the signature field.
For example, form1[0].#subform[1].SignatureField3[3] can
be specified as SignatureField3[3].
propertiesA PDFSignatureFieldProperties value
that represents the properties of the signature field. These values
are valid:
- fieldMDP:
- Specifies the type of fields that are locked when the signature
field is signed.
- SeedValue:
- Constraining information that is used at the time the signature
is applied.
signedA boolean value
that indicates whether the signature field is signed or certified. A
value of true indicates that the signature field
is signed and false indicates that the signature
field is certified.
visibleA boolean value
that indicates whether the signature field is visible. A value of true indicates
that the field is visible and false indicates that
the signature field is hidden.