
A complex data type that stores the results of the Get Signature Field List operation and Get Certifying Signature Field operation operations that the Signature service provides. It contains information about the signature fields located within the PDF document.

For information about data that can be accessed using Xpath Expressions, see Data items.

Data items

The data items that PDFSignatureField variables contain.


A string value that represents the fully qualified name of the signature field. If you are signing a PDF document that is based on a form created in Designer, you can use a partial name of the signature field. For example, form1[0].#subform[1].SignatureField3[3] can be specified as SignatureField3[3].


A PDFSignatureFieldProperties value that represents the properties of the signature field. These values are valid:

Specifies the type of fields that are locked when the signature field is signed.

Constraining information that is used at the time the signature is applied.


A boolean value that indicates whether the signature field is signed or certified. A value of true indicates that the signature field is signed and false indicates that the signature field is certified.


A PDFSignatureType value that represents the type of signature field.


A boolean value that indicates whether the signature field is visible. A value of true indicates that the field is visible and false indicates that the signature field is hidden.

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