A string value
that specifies whether the form is rendered on the client application. RenderAtClient values
are used to configure the Render At Client property for renderPDFForm operation operation
in the Forms service.
the These string values are valid:
The Render At setting version on the server to open PDF Forms
rendered by the Forms service. The Render At setting is configured
in Administration Console. (See Adobe LiveCycle ES4 Administration Help.)
For information about data that can be accessed using Xpath Expressions,
see Data items.
Data items
RenderAt data values store one of these
string values:
The Forms service determines the form rendition based on
the setting in the form design.
A dynamic PDF form is generated and rendering occurs in Acrobat. Rendering
occurs only on Acrobat 7.0 or later.
A static PDF form is generated. No rendering on the client