Task Date

A complex data type that defines a length of time. The User service uses Task Date values for calculating when task reminders, escalations, and deadlines occur:

Task Date values also indicate whether the business calendar is used when calculating dates.

You can create a Task Date variable, configure the default properties, and then use the variable as the value of the Schedule Escalation property of Assign Task or Assign Multiple Tasks operations. You can also use the Set Value service to add the value to a Task Reminder or Task Deadline value.

Create a Task Date variable only if you intend to use the value multiple times in the process. Otherwise, configure the Schedule Escalation property manually.

For example, a process includes a Task Date variable named taskDateVar and default values have been configured for the properties. You use XPath expressions with the Set Value service to add the value to a Task Reminder value named taskReminderVar:

/process_data/taskReminderVar/object/reminder = /process_data/taskDateVar

Similarly, a Task Date value can be inserted into a Task Deadline value:

/process_data/taskDeadlineVar/object/dateObj = /process_data/taskDateVar

For information about data that can be accessed using Xpath Expressions, see Data items.

For information about configuring default properties, see Datatype specific settings.

Data items

Task Date values contain the following data items.


A string value that represents the number of days.


A string value that represents the number of hours.


A string value that represents the number of minutes.

Total Minutes

Do not use.


A boolean value that determines whether a business calendar is used to perform date calculations.

Datatype specific settings

You can configure default values for the following properties of Task Date variables.

Use business calendar:
Select to use the business calendar for date calculations.

Specify the number of days in the Task Date value.

Specify the number of hours, in addition to the days, in the Task Date value.

Specify the number of minutes, in addition to the days and hours, in the Task Date value.

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