
A string value that represents the styles that are rendered with an HTML form. StyleGenerationLevel variables are used to configure the Style Generation Level property for the renderHTMLForm operation operation in the Forms service. The StyleGeneration data type is a data member of the HTMLRenderSpec data type.

For information about data that can be accessed using Xpath Expressions, see Data items.

For information about configuring default properties, see Datatype specific settings.

Data items

StyleGeneration data values store one of these string values:

Use both inline and internal CSS styles. Internal styles use spacing and positional CSS styles. Inline styles use appearance styles, such as color, font, and background color.

Use only inline CSS styles from the custom CSS file. This option removes all internal styles inside the <head> tag on HTML pages.

Do not use any CSS inline or internal styling. Only styles that are passed using an external CSS file are used.

Datatype specific settings

Properties for setting the default values that the variable stores.

Default value

Select the default style generation level to store in the variable:

Use both inline and internal CSS styles. Internal styles use spacing and positional CSS styles. Inline styles use appearance styles, such as color, font, and background color.

Use only inline CSS styles from the custom CSS file. This option removes all internal styles inside the <head> tag on HTML pages.

Do not use any CSS inline or internal styling. Only styles that are passed using an external CSS file are used.

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