A complex data type used to specify a user who is an owner
(for example, the owner of a policy).
For information about data that can be accessed using Xpath Expressions,
see Data items.
Data itemsThe data items that owner variables contain.
businessCalendarKeyA string value
that represents the business Calendar Key.
disabledA boolean value
that specifies whether the user is disabled.
familyNameA string value
that represents the family name.
givenNameA string value
that represents the given name.
initialsA string value
that represents the initials.
localeA Locale value
that represents the locale of the owner.
postalAddressA string value
that represents the postal address.
telephoneNumberA string value
that represents the telephone number.
timezoneA Timezone value
that represents the time zone of the user.
useridA string value
that represents the user identifier.
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