
A complex data type that represents various preferences used to convert the PDF document to a PostScript file. This variable type is used by the toPS2 operation operation in the Convert PDF service.

For information about data that can be accessed using Xpath Expressions, see Data items.

Data items

The data items that ToPSOptionsSpec variables contain.


A boolean value that indicates whether to create the PostScript file in binary format. A value of true means to create the file in binary format. The default value of false means not to create the file in binary format.


A boolean value that indicates whether to place a mark in each of the four corners to indicate the PDF bleed box boundaries. A value of true means to place the bleed marks. The default value of false means not to place the bleed marks.


A string value that indicates whether to use color in the PostScript file.

These values are valid:

Produce a PostScript file that includes color.

Composite Gray:
Produce a PostScript file that does not include color.

The default value is Composite.


A boolean value that indicates whether to place a color bar at the top of the page, outside the crop area. A color bar shows a single box for each spot or process color in the document. A value of true means to place a color bar. The default value of false means not to place a color bar.


A boolean value that indicates whether to convert TrueType fonts to Type 1 fonts in the resulting PostScript file. A value of true means to perform the conversion. The default value of false means not to perform the conversion.


A boolean value that indicates whether to preserve the hinting information in the original font in the resulting PostScript file. A value of true means to preserve the hinting information in the original font. The default value of false means that the CIDFontType2 fonts are converted to CIDFontType0 fonts, resulting in compatibility with a wider range of printers.


A boolean value that indicates whether to emit PostScript form objects for Form XObjects found in the PDF document. The Form XObjects are used to represent complex objects, such as background images, that appear multiple times in the PDF file. The value of true means that the PostScript form objects are created. Although this setting reduces the size of the print job, it increases the printer memory that is used. The default value of false means that the PostScript form objects are not created.


A boolean value that indicates whether to expand the contents of the input PDF file to fit the selected page size. A value of true indicates to expand the contents. The default value of false indicates not to expand the contents.


A string value that represents the fonts to be embedded in the resulting PostScript file. These values are valid:

The system fonts are used instead of the embedded fonts and referenced fonts.

Embedded Fonts:
The fonts used are taken directly from the PDF file.

Embedded Fonts and Reference Fonts:
The fonts used are taken from the PDF file and the system in use.

The default value is Embedded Fonts.


A boolean value that indicates whether to preserve the appearance of comments in the resulting PostScript file. A value of true means to preserve the appearance of comments in the resulting file. The default value of false means not to preserve the appearance of comments in the resulting file.


An int value that specifies the weight of the lines used for the trim marks, bleed marks, and registration marks. The valid values are 0.125 pt, 0.25 pt, and 0.50 pt. The default value is 0.25 pt.


A boolean value that indicates whether to place page information outside the crop area of the page. A value of true means to place page information outside the crop area. The default value of false means not to place page information outside the crop area.


An int value that represents the page numbers in the PDF document to be converted to a PostScript file. Single page numbers separated by commas or a range of pages, or both, can be specified (for example, 22, 7-9, 13).


A string value that represents the page size of the PostScript file output. The default value is DetermineAutomatically. These values are valid:

A2, A3, A4, A5, Envelop, Executive, Folio, Legal, Letter, Tabloid
The service determines the page size to use.

When specified, the pageSizeHeight and pageSizeWidth items should be set.


A string value that represents the height of the page in the PostScript file. The height is specified using the format [integer][measurement unit], where [measurement unit] can be pt, in, mm, or cm (for example, 10mm). The default measurement unit is pt.

This value should be set when pageSize is specified as Custom.


A string value that represents the width of the page in the PostScript file. The width is specified using the [integer][measurement unit] format, where [measurement unit] can be pt, in, mm, or cm (for example, 10mm). The default measurement unit is pt.

This value should be set when pageSize is specified as Custom.


A string value that represents the PostScript language compatibility. The default value is Language Level 2. These values are valid:

Language Level 2:
The PostScript language that was released in 1992. It supports color printing.

Language Level 3:
The PostScript language that was released in 1997. It supports more fonts, has better graphics handling, and includes several features to speed up PostScript printing.


A boolean value that indicates whether to place a registration mark outside the crop area of the page. A value of true means to place a registration mark. The default value of false means not to place a registration mark.


An int value that represents the resolution of the output in dots per inch (dpi). The default value is 300.


A boolean value that indicates whether to reverse the contents of the input PDF file in the page. A value of true means to reverse the contents. The default value of false means not to reverse the contents.


A boolean value that indicates whether to rotate and center the contents of the input PDF file in the selected page. A value of true means to center and rotate the contents. The default value of false means not to center or rotate the contents.


A boolean value that indicates whether to shrink the contents of the input PDF file to fit the selected page size. A value of true means to shrink the contents. The default value of false means not to shrink the contents.


A string value that represents the style of the printer marks to create. The default value is Default.

These values are valid:

  • Default

  • InDesignJ1

  • InDesignJ2

  • Illustrator

  • IllustratorJ

  • QuarkXPress


A boolean value that indicates whether to place a mark in each of the four corners to indicate the PDF trim box boundaries. A value of true means to include the trim marks. The default value of false means not to include the trim marks.


A boolean value that indicates whether to use the highest resolution for printing JPEG 2000 images. The default value of true means to use the highest resolution possible. A value of false means not to use the highest resolution possible.

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