Password Encryption Option Spec

A complex data type that is used as an input value for the Password Encrypt PDF operation operation that the Encryption service provides. This variable specifies the PDF encryption options for compatibility with different versions of Adobe Acrobat, the PDF document resources to encrypt, the password to modify the permissions, and the password to open the PDF document.

For information about data that can be accessed using Xpath Expressions, see Data items.

For information about configuring default properties, see Datatype specific settings.

Data items

The data items that Password Encryption Options Spec variables contain.


A Password Encryption Compatibility value that specifies the earliest version of Acrobat that is compatible with the encryption used. These string values are valid:

Compatible with Acrobat 3 and later releases that provides 40-bit encryption.

Compatible with Acrobat 5 and later releases that provide 128-bit encryption.

Compatible with Acrobat 6 and later releases that provide 128-bit encryption and also provide a finer granularity of control over what operations are permitted.

Compatible with Acrobat 7 and later releases that provide 128-bit Advanced Encryption Standard (AES).

Compatible with Acrobat 9 and later releases that provide 256-bit AES.


A string value that represents the password to open the encrypted PDF document.


A Password Encryption Option value that specifies the parts of the PDF document to encrypt. These string values are valid:

The entire PDF document is encrypted.

The entire PDF document except for the metadata is encrypted.

Only the PDF document attachments are encrypted.


A string value that represents the password to modify the permissions or remove encryption on a PDF document.


A Password Encryption Permission value that represents the permissions used to secure a document. These string values are valid:

All the permissions mentioned in this list.

The permission that enables users to add form data.

The permission that enables users to assemble PDF documents.

The permission that enables users to copy form data.

The permission that enables users to extract data from forms.

The permission that enables users to fill in forms.

The permission that enables the users to edit the PDF document.

High-resolution printing of documents is allowed.

Low-resolution printing of documents is allowed.

Does not allow printing of documents.

Datatype specific settings

Properties for setting the default values of the variable.


The earliest version of Acrobat that is compatible with the encryption method that is used:

Acrobat 3.0 and later:
Compatible with Acrobat 3 and later releases that provide 40-bit encryption.

Acrobat 5.0 and later:
Compatible with Acrobat 5 and later releases that provide 128-bit encryption.

Acrobat 6.0 and later:
Compatible with Acrobat 6 and later releases that provide 128-bit encryption and also provide a finer granularity of control over what operations are permitted.

Acrobat 7.0 and later:
Compatible with Acrobat 7 and later releases that provide 128-bit Advanced Encryption Standard (AES).

Acrobat 9.0 and later:
Compatible with Acrobat 9 and later releases that provide 256-bit AES.

All Document Contents

Select this option to encrypt the entire PDF document.

All Contents Except Metadata

Select this option to encrypt the entire PDF document except for the metadata.

Attachments Only

Select this option to encrypt only the PDF document attachments.

Document Open Password

The password required to open the encrypted PDF document.

Restrict Edit Of Security Settings

Select this option to prevent changes being made to security settings.

Permissions Password

The password required to change security settings.

Printing Allowed

The type of printing that is allowed on the PDF document:

No printing is allowed.

High Resolution:
High-resolution printing of documents is allowed.

Low Resolution (150 dpi):
Low-resolution printing of documents is allowed.

Changes Allowed

Select the types of changes that can be performed on the PDF document.

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