FTP FileInfo

A complex data type that contains information about a file that is retrieved by the Get list of files operation operation of the FTP service. Each data item that the variable holds contains information about the file.

For information about data that can be accessed using Xpath Expressions, see Data items.

Data items

The data items that FTP FileInfo variables contain.


A boolean value that specifies whether the value specified in the Remote Directory Path property of the Get List Of Files operation is a directory path. A value of true indicates it is a directory and false indicates it is not a directory.


A string value that represents the name of the directory from which the file was retrieved.


A string value that represents the name of the file that was retrieved.


A string value that represents the path of the file that was retrieved.


A boolean value that indicates whether the file was hidden. A value of true indicates the file was hidden and false indicates it was not hidden.


A boolean value that indicates whether the file was read only. A value of true indicates the file was read only and a value of false indicates it was not read only.


A long value that represents the size of the file that was retrieved, in bytes.

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