Properties that specify the PLM object data and metadata.
The file attached to the PLM object. The data type is document.
If you provide
a variable, from the MasterFile list, select a variable. Click the
plus sign button
display the Variable dialog box to create a variable. (See Creating variables).
The list of files associated with the PLM object. The data type
is list.
If you provide
a variable, from the SecondaryFiles list, select a variable. Click
the plus sign button to display the Variable dialog box to create
a variable. (See Creating variables).
The folder where files are stored. The data type is string.
If you provide
a variable, from the Folder list, select a variable. Click the plus
sign button to display the Variable dialog box to create a variable.
(See Creating variables).
A boolean value that specifies
whether the master file is a 3D document.
If you provide a
variable, from the Doc3d list, select a variable. Click the plus
sign button to display the Variable dialog box to create a variable.
(See Creating variables).
A boolean value that specifies
whether to convert the master file to PDF.
If you provide
a variable, from the Excluded list, select a variable. Click the
plus sign button to display the Variable dialog box to create a
variable. (See Creating variables).
The name of a LiveCycle subprocess used to create the PDF. The data type
is string.
If you provide
a variable, from the ProcessName list, select a variable. Click
the plus sign button to display the Variable dialog box to create
a variable. (See Creating variables).
The name of the LiveCycle form template that adds metadata to the PDF.
The data type is string.
If you provide
a variable, from the TemplateName list, select a variable. Click
the plus sign button to display the Variable dialog box to create
a variable. (See Creating variables).
The metadata map that contains the form data to merge and the DDX scripts
(for example, to add a watermark) to execute. The data type is map.
If you provide
a variable, from the MetadataMap list, select a variable. Click
the plus sign button to display the Variable dialog box to create
a variable. (See Creating variables).
The description of the error generated when the operation throws
an exception. The description includes the message, the class name,
and stack trace information. The data type is string.
If you provide
a variable, from the ErrorMessage list, select a variable. Click
the plus sign button to display the Variable dialog box to create
a variable. (See Creating variables).
Data and MetaData Descriptor
(Optional) The data and metadata
retrieved by the operation. The data type is DataAndMetaDataDescriptor.
you provide a variable, from the Data and MetaData Descriptor list,
select a variable. Click the plus sign button to display the Variable
dialog box to create a variable. (See Creating variables).