Signature service provides the following exceptions for throwing
exception events.
CredentialLoginExceptionThrown if a problem occurs when a credential is not found
or the credential expired. The credential is required to sign or
DuplicateSignatureFieldExceptionThrown if a signature field is duplicated.
FIPSComplianceExceptionThrown when FIPS compliance is not met. When FIPS is required,
an FIPSComplianceException error is thrown when MD5 or RIPEMD160
is used as a digest hashing algorithm.
InvalidArgumentExceptionThrown if an invalid argument that is required to perform
a Signature operation is specified.
MissingSignatureFieldExceptionThrown if the specified signature field cannot be located
within a PDF document.
NoCertifyingSignatureExceptionThrown if the input PDF has no certifying signature and
the operation requires one to be present.
PDFOperationExceptionThrown if a specific operation cannot be performed on the
input PDF document due to PDF-related processing errors.
PermissionsExceptionThrown if an operation is requested but the input PDF document
has insufficient permissions to complete it.
SeedValueValidationExceptionThrown at the time of signing or certifying if the seed
values associated with the signature field cannot be validated.
SignatureFieldNotSignedExceptionThrown if an attempt to sign a signature field failed.
SignatureFieldSignedExceptionThrown if the specified signature field already contains
a signature.
SignatureVerifyExceptionThrown if a signature cannot be verified.
SigningExceptionThrown if an error occurs while digitally signing a PDF