A complex data type that represents an approver in the
approval stage of a review. Used with the Review, Commenting, and
Approval building block, which is installed with the Managed Review
& Approval Solution Accelerator.
For information about data that can be accessed using XPath Expressions,
see Data items.
Data itemsThe data items that ApproverTO values contain.
additionalMetadataA string value
that represents additional information associated with the approver.
completedByA string value
that represents the user who approved the review content.
completedFromIPA string value
that represents the IP address of the client machine that the review
content was approved from.
createdAtA string value
that represents how the approver was added to the review. Valid values
- Approver was part of the review template.
- Approver added when review was initiated.
- Approver added using addApprover(update) API.
dispositionA string value
that represents a custom status for the approver.
endDateA date value
that specifies the end date of the approval task.
finalCommentsA string value
that represents the approver’s final comments, which are added when
completing the approval task.
reviewContextA ReviewContextTO value
that represents the instance of the review.
reviewStageA ReviewStageTO value
that represents a stage of a multi-staged review and approval process.
startDateA date value
that specifies the start date of the approval task.
statusA string value
that represents the status of the approval. The following values are
umOidA string value
that represents the User Management unique identifier for the approver.