Interface ILocalizationResourceContainer

All Known Implementing Classes:
Asset, ConditionalDataModule, ConditionalDocument, ContainerLayout, ContentDataModule, DataModule, Form, FragmentLayout, ImageModule, Letter, ListDataModule, Portfolio, PortfolioDocument, TableRow, TextModule

public interface ILocalizationResourceContainer

Interface to be implemented by the classes which holds the localization data for the complete object instance

Method Summary
 java.util.List getLocalizationResourceInfoList()
          gets the list containing localization data associated with this object
 java.lang.String getName()
          gets the name of the object which holds localization information.
 void setLocalizationResourceInfoList(java.util.List locResourceInfoList)
          Sets the list of LocalizationResourceInfo on this object

Method Detail


java.util.List getLocalizationResourceInfoList()
gets the list containing localization data associated with this object

list containing LocalizationResourceInfo objects


void setLocalizationResourceInfoList(java.util.List locResourceInfoList)
Sets the list of LocalizationResourceInfo on this object

locResourceInfoList - list containing LocalizationResourceInfo objects


java.lang.String getName()
gets the name of the object which holds localization information. This name is used while exporting resource bundles

name identifying the object

[an error occurred while processing this directive] [an error occurred while processing this directive]