Configure LiveCycle workflows on the SharePoint site
To automatically initiate LiveCycle processes from within
SharePoint, configure the LiveCycle workflows on the SharePoint
On the home page of your site, click Shared Documents.
Perform one of the following steps:
For SharePoint
Server 2007, on the Shared Documents page, select Settings > Document Library Settings.
For SharePoint Server 2010, switch to the Library tab and
select Library Settings.
Under Permissions and Management, click Workflow settings.
Under Workflows, click Add a workflow.
In the Select a workflow template list, select Adobe LiveCycle Workflow.
Enter the required details and click Next. If you
create a task or history list, the name of the list is prefixed
with the specified workflow name.
On the Invoke Adobe LiveCycle Action page, do the following:
Select the LiveCycle action that the SharePoint workflow
will invoke. If you select Invoke LiveCycle Process, select the
LiveCycle process to be invoked. The list contains only LiveCycle
processes that accept a document as an input parameter.
For all LiveCycle actions selected, specify the location
where the resulting documents must be saved. By default, the resulting
documents are saved in the same location as the source. To select
a custom location as the destination, select Custom Location and
navigate to the required folder in the CurrentSite navigation tree.