For the Forms service to retrieve form data, perform calculations,
or validate field data, the form must provide the mechanism to initiate
the request. This initiation is typically accomplished through the
use of buttons that are located on the form. The caption displayed
on a command button label indicates to the end user the function
of the button. When a user clicks a button, the form-related processing
is prompted by the script associated with the button. Typically,
a button initiates either a submit or a calculate operation.
Buttons are the most common way to initiate logic contained in
form design scripts. Placing a button on a form design in Designer
and configuring its submit option implies a submit operation. The
intent of a submit button is to complete the form and submit data
to the Forms service. However, validation operations may interrupt
this process. For example, if a user enters an invalid value into
a field, they may have to correct the value before the data can
be submitted A form can also contain a calculate button. A calculate
button can perform calculations on data and update the form.