Submit button

A button can submit form data as XML, PDF, or URL-Encoded (for HTML submissions) data to the Forms service. For example, assume a user fills an interactive form and then clicks a submit button. This action results in the form data being submitted to the Forms service. A client application, such as a Java servlet that is created by using the Forms Service API, can retrieve the data.

A PDF form can submit four types of data (XDP, XML, PDF, and URL-encoded data). An HTML form submits only URL-encoded name-value pairs. By default, when the submission format is PDF, the Forms service captures the PDF data and returns it back out without performing any calculations. You set the submit type in Designer.

The content type of submitted PDF data is application/pdf. In contrast, the content type of submitted XML data is text/xml. For XDP submissions, it is application/vnd.adobe.xdp+xml.

This table summarizes the interaction among a client device (such as a web browser), a client application, and the Forms service when a user clicks a button that initiates a submit operation.

User actions

Client application actions

Forms service actions

A user enters data into form fields and clicks a submit button. This action initiates a submit operation.

Client validations marked run on client are executed.

No action

No action

Browser performs an HTTP post to the target URL. (This value is defined either in Designer or by the targetURL parameter used during the rendition call to the Forms service).

No action

No action

No action

Creates a FormServiceClient object, invokes the processFormSubmission method, and passes the HTTP request and headers.

No action

No action

No action

The Forms service merges posted data back into the form (if applicable).

No action

No action

Executes the field click event.

No action

No action

Executes the form-wide field calculate events.

No action

No action

Executes the form-wide page calculate events.

No action

No action

Executes the form-wide field validation events.

No action

No action

Executes the page validation events (which include validate, formatTest, and nullTest).

No action

No action

Executes the Form’s Close event.

No action

No action

If this validation process fails, it indicates that at least one error exists. The returned processing state value is Validate.

No action

Verifies that the Forms service returned a processing state value of Validate. In this situation, the result is returned to the client browser so that the user can correct the mistake.

No action

For forms that are displayed as HTML, end users see the form that contains the same data, calculations, and list of errors to correct before resubmitting.

For Guides (deprecated), end users see the form that contains the same data, calculations, and list of errors to correct before resubmitting.

For forms that are displayed as PDF, a user interface is not defined. Validation errors can be retrieved by using the FormsResult object’s getValidationErrorsList method.

No action

No action

No action

No action

If the validation process succeeds, the processing state value is set to Submit.

No action

Verifies that the Forms service returns a processing state value of Submit.

Acknowledges that all form processing is complete.

Additional processing is application-specific. For example, a wizard-style application can request the next form panel, do additional data investigations, update the database, or initiate a new workflow process.

No action

The view is application-specific. For example, a new form can be displayed.

No action

No action

// Ethnio survey code removed