You can revoke and reinstate access to policy-protected
Can revoke or reinstate access to documents that they protect
with their own personal policies or with shared policies for which
the revoke capability is enabled for the user who applies the policy.
Users who cannot revoke access to a document or switch a policy
need to contact the administrator.
Can revoke or reinstate access privileges to any policy-protected
document, including those protected by personal or shared policies.
If an administrator revokes access to a document that is protected
with a shared policy, only an administrator can reinstate access
privileges for that document.
Policy set coordinators:
Can revoke or reinstate access privileges for documents that
policies from their policy sets protect.
When you revoke or
reinstate document access privileges, the change takes effect at
these times:
If the document is online and closed,
the change takes effect the next time the recipient synchronizes
with Rights Management by opening a policy-protected document.
If the document is online and open, the change takes effect
when the recipient closes the document.
If the document is offline, (in use without an Internet connection,
such as on a laptop), the change takes effect the next time the
recipient synchronizes with Rights Management.
Revoke access to a policy-protected document
On the Rights Management page, click Documents.
Select the check box beside the appropriate document and
click Revoke. You can revoke access to multiple documents at a time.
Select a message to display to users who attempt to open
the document after it is revoked:
General Message: Indicates
that the author revoked the document
Document Terminated: Indicates that the author terminated
the document
Document Revised: Indicates that the author revised
the document
(Optional) If a newer version of the document is available,
enter the URL and click Test to verify the URL.
Click OK, and then click OK again to return to the Documents
Reinstate document access privileges
On the Rights Management page, click Documents.
In the list of documents, click the appropriate document.