Switch a policy that is applied to a document

Users, policy set coordinators, and administrators can switch the policy that is applied to a policy-protected document (you can apply only one policy at a time to a document). Users can switch policies that are applied to their own policy-protected documents if they created the policy or if the policy is a shared one that has this capability enabled. Otherwise, the administrator or policy set coordinator must switch the policy. Administrators can switch policies for any user’s policy-protected documents. Policy set coordinators can switch policies from their policy sets.

When you switch a policy, the new policy is enforced as follows:

  • If the document is online and closed, the change takes effect the next time the recipient synchronizes with Rights Management by opening any policy-protected document online.

  • If document is online and open, the change takes effect when the user closes the document.

  • If the document is offline (in use without an active Internet or network connection, such as on a laptop), the change is applied the next time the user synchronizes with Rights Management by opening a policy-protected document online.

Note: To permit anonymous access to a policy-protected document that currently does not have this access, remove the existing policy in the client application and then apply a policy that permits anonymous access. If you switch the policy, users still must log in to access the document.
  1. On the Rights Management page, click Documents.

  2. In the list of documents, click the appropriate document.

  3. Click Switch Policy. A list of up to 100 policies appears.

  4. If the policy you want is not displayed, select Policy Name or Policy ID from the Find list, type the name or ID, and click Find.

  5. Click a new policy in the list.

  6. Click Switch Policy, and then click OK to return to the Documents page.

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