You can copy an existing policy and save it with a new
name and description. Copying policies is an efficient way to create
new policies by using existing settings.
External users can copy policies only if the administrator enables
this capability. If you cannot create policies, the Copy option
will not be available.
On the Rights Management page, click Policies and then
click the My Policy tab.
Select the appropriate policy from the list.
On the Policy Detail page, click Copy.
In the New Policy Name box, type the new policy name. Optionally,
type a new Description.
The following characters cannot be
used in the name or description:
less-than sign (<)
greater-than sign (>)
ampersand (&)
single quotation mark (')
double quotation mark (")
backslash (\)
forward slash (/)
If you use the following
character in the name or description, they are converted to spaces:
carriage return (ASCII character 13)
new line (ASCII character 10).
Note: You can create
a policy name that contains extended characters; however, when a
comparison is made between two strings, accented and non-accented characters
such as "e" and "é" are considered to be the same. When someone creates
a policy, a comparison is made to check whether a policy with the
same name already exists. The comparison cannot distinguish between
names that are the same except for accented characters. It is assumed
that the policy is already added to the database and the new one
is not added.