
The package provides the classes that are the basis of the User Management information model.


Interface Summary
AuthResult Authentication result interface.
Domain Contains domain information related to LiveCycle ES2 users and groups.
Group A Group is an extension of the Principal object.
Permission Represents a permission that a LiveCycle ES2 user or group has.
Principal This class contains information for a principal.
PrincipalReference The PrincipalReference class contains reference information for a Principal.
ReliantApplication This class contains information for reliant applications.
ResourceType The ResourceType class contains information for a resource type.
ResourceTypeACL The ResourceTypeACL class creates the access control list (ACL) for a resource type.
Role The Role interface represents a role that can be assigned to a principal.
User The User class represents an extension of the Principal object.

Class Summary
DirectorySyncInfo Provides information about the directory synchronization process.
Domain.DomainNameComprator A static class used to compare domains.
GenericSearchFilter Repressents a generic search filter class.
GroupCreationInfo This class manages information for newly created groups.
GroupMembershipSearchFilter The GroupMembershipSearchFilter class represents a filter that allows you to specify search criteria to use when searching for LiveCycle ES2 groups.
PermissionInfo The PermissionInfo class manages information for permissions.
PermissionSearchFilter This filter allows you specify permissions search criteria to be AND-ed together.
PrincipalSearchFilter The PrincipalSearchFilter class allows you to specify principal search criteria.
ResourceTypeSearchFilter This filter allows you to specify resource type search criteria to be AND-ed together.
RoleMembershipSearchFilter The RoleMembershipSearchFilter class represents a filter that allows you to specify role membership search criteria.
RoleSearchFilter The RoleSearchFilter class is a filter that allows you to specify role search criteria.
SSOToken This class represents a SAML 1.1 Post Profile Response.
UserInfo The UserInfo class provides information for LiveCycle ES2 users.

Package Description

The package provides the classes that are the basis of the User Management information model.

You can use this package to create Java client applications that interact with the User Management Authentication Service, Authorization Service, and Directory Service. This package enables you to implement in your custom applications the functionality that those services provide.

For more information about how to use this package, see the User Management Managing Users Using APIs guide.

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