Package com.adobe.idp.jobmanager.common

This package contains exception and other classes that enable you to interact with the Job Manager Service.


Class Summary
JobId This class represents the identifier of a specific job.
JobStatus Contains the status for a job in progress.

Exception Summary
JobInvalidStateException Represents an exception that is thrown when a specified job is in an invalid state for a job request (for example, not running when the completeJob is called).
JobManagerException Represents general exceptions that are thrown by the JobManager service.
JobNotFoundException Represents an exception that is thrown by the JobManager service when a specified job is not found or valid.
JobStateChangeException Represents an exception that is thrown when a job event listener // refuses a job lifecycle event.

Package com.adobe.idp.jobmanager.common Description

This package contains exception and other classes that enable you to interact with the Job Manager Service. You can use the Job Manager Service to perform tasks such as retrieving the status of a long-lived process.

[an error occurred while processing this directive] [an error occurred while processing this directive]