To convert a PDF document into an XDP document, perform
the following steps:
Include project files.
Create a PDFUtilityService client.
Invoke the PDF to XDP conversion operation.
Include project files
Include necessary files into your development
project. If you are creating a client application using Java, include
the necessary JAR files. If you are using web services, ensure that
you include the proxy files.
Create a PDFUtilityService client
Before you can programmatically
perform a PDF Utilities operation, you must create a PDFUtilityService
client. With the Java API, this is accomplished by creating a PDFUtilityServiceClient object.
With the web service API, this is accomplished by using a PDFUtilityServiceService object.
Invoke the PDF to XDP conversion operation
After you create the
service client, you can invoke the PDF to XDP conversion operation.
Convert PDF documents into XDP documents using the Java API
Convert PDF documents into XDP documents by using the PDF
Utilities API(Java):
Include project files
Include client JAR files,
such as the adobe-pdfutility-client.jar, in your Java project’s
class path..
Create a PDFUtilityService client
Create a PDFUtilityServiceClient object
by using its constructor and passing a ServiceClientFactory object
that contains connection properties.
Invoke the PDF to XDP conversion operation
To perform
the conversion, invoke the PDFUtilityServiceClient object’s convertPDFtoXDP method
and pass in a com.adobe.idp.Document object that
represents the PDF file. The method returns a com.adobe.idp.Document object
that represents the newly created XDP file.
Convert PDF documents into XDP documents using the web service API
Convert PDF documents into XDP documents by using the PDF
Utilities API (web service):
Include project files
Create a Microsoft
.NET client assembly that consumes the PDF Utilities service WSDL
Reference the Microsoft .NET client assembly.
Create a PDFUtilityService client
Create a PDFUtilityServiceService object
by using your proxy class constructor.
Invoke the PDF to XDP conversion operation
the PDFUtilityServiceService object’s convertPDFtoXDP method
and pass in a BLOB object that represents the PDF
file. The method returns a BLOB object that represents
the newly created XDP file.