Starting Suspended Process Instances

You can programmatically start (unsuspend) suspended process instances by using the Java API and web service API. A suspended process instance must be started for the process instance to perform all of its actions. To successfully start a suspended process instance, you require the process invocation identifier that can be obtained when invoking a long-lived process by using the Invocation API.

Summary of steps

To start a suspended process instance, perform the following tasks:

  1. Include project files.

  2. Create a ProcessManager Client API object.

  3. Suspend the process instance.

Include project files

Include necessary files into your development project. If you are creating a client application by using Java, include the necessary JAR files. If you are using web services, make sure that you include the proxy files.

Create a ProcessManager Client API object

Before you can programmatically search for process instances, you must create a TaskManagerQueryService object.

Start the suspended process instance

To start a process instance, ensure that it is a suspended or suspended state. If you attempt to start a process that is not in one of these states, you will create an exception.

Start suspended process instances using the Java API

Start a suspended process instance by using the ProcessManager API (Java):

  1. Include project files

    Include client JAR files, such as adobe-workflow-client-sdk.jar, in your Java project’s class path.

  2. Create a ProcessManager Client API object

    • Create a ServiceClientFactory object that contains connection properties.

    • Create a ProcessManager object by using its constructor and passing a ServiceClientFactory object.

  3. Start the suspended process instance

    Start a suspended process instance by invoking the ProcessManager object’s unSuspendProcess method and passing a string value that specifies the process invocation identifier value. This value can be obtained when invoking a process by using the Invocation API.

Start suspended process instances using the web service API

Start a suspended process instance by using the ProcessManager API (web service):

  1. Include project files

    • Create a Microsoft .NET client assembly that consumes the ProcessManager service WSDL. To create a proxy object that lets you invoke its operations by using Base64 encoding, specify this WSDL definition:

    • Reference the Microsoft .NET client assembly.

  2. Create a ProcessManager Client API object

    • Using the Microsoft .NET client assembly, create a ProcessManagerService object by invoking its default constructor.

    • Set the ProcessManagerService object’s Credentials data member with a System.Net.NetworkCredential value.

  3. Start the suspended process instance

    Start a suspended process instance by invoking the ProcessManager object’s unSuspendProcess method and passing a string value that specifies the process invocation identifier value. This value can be obtained when invoking a process by using the Invocation API.

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