Exporting Metadata from PDF Documents

You can use the XMP Utilities Java and web service APIs to programmatically retrieve and save XMP metadata from a PDF document.

Note: For more information about the XMP Utilities service, see Services Reference for LiveCycle.

Summary of steps

To export XMP metadata from a PDF document, perform the following steps:

  1. Include project files.

  2. Create an XMPUtilityService client.

  3. Invoke the XMP metadata export operation.

Include project files

Include necessary files into your development project. If you are creating a client application using Java, include the necessary JAR files. If you are using web services, ensure that you include the proxy files.

Create an XMPUtilityService client

Before you can programmatically perform an XMP Utilities operation, you must create an XMPUtilityService client. With the Java AP,I this is accomplished by creating an XMPUtilityServiceClient object. With the web service API, this is accomplished using an XMPUtilityServiceService object.

Invoke the XMP metadata export operation

After you create the service client, you can invoke one of the XMP metadata export operations, which can be used to inspect the XMP metadata or save it to disk.

Export XMP metadata using the Java API

Export XMP metadata by using the XMP Utilities API (Java):

  1. Include project files

    Include client JAR files, such as adobe-pdfutility-client.jar, in your Java project’s class path.

    Note: The adobe-pdfutility-client.jar file contains classes that enable you to programmatically invoke the XMP Utility service.
  2. Create an XMPUtilityService client

    Create an XMPUtilityServiceClient object by using its constructor and passing a ServiceClientFactory object that contains connection properties.

  3. Invoke the XMP metadata import operation

    To inspect the XMP metadata, invoke the XMPUtilityServiceClient object’s exportMetadata method and pass in a com.adobe.idp.Document object that represents the PDF file. The method returns an XMPUtilityMetadata object that contains the retrieved metadata.

    To retrieve and save the XMP metadata, invoke the XMPUtilityServiceClient object’s exportXMP method and pass in a com.adobe.idp.Document object that represents the PDF file. The method returns a com.adobe.idp.Document object that contains the retrieved metadata, which you can subsequently save to disk as an XML file.

Export XMP metadata using the web service API

Export XMP metadata by using the XMP Utilities API (web service):

  1. Include project files

    • Create a Microsoft .NET client assembly that consumes the XMP Utilities service WSDL file.

    • Reference the Microsoft .NET client assembly.

  2. Create an XMPUtilityService client

    Create an XMPUtilityServiceService object by using your proxy class constructor.

  3. Invoke the XMP metadata import operation

    To inspect the XMP metadata, invoke the XMPUtilityServiceClient object’s exportMetadata method and pass in a BLOB object that represents the PDF file. The method returns an XMPUtilityMetadata object that contains the retrieved metadata.

    To retrieve and save the XMP metadata, invoke the XMPUtilityServiceClient object’s exportXMP method and pass in a BLOB object that represents the PDF file. The method returns a BLOB object that contains the retrieved metadata, which you can subsequently save to disk as an XML file.

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