
LiveCycle implements a service-oriented architecture that relies on loosely coupled software services to support business processes and perform operations on documents. Services run within the service container.

The service container is an extensible component model based on software-oriented architecture (SOA) principles; components can be added, upgraded, reused, or removed with minimal administration. Components are independent units of functionality that plug into the service container for deploying, orchestrating, and executing services. The service container coordinates and monitors the components.

The service container can host any number of services and provides the infrastructure necessary to discover, execute and deploy, secure, run, and configure the services.

The service container provides a consistent way to interact with the services within the container, repository, and enterprise integration, regardless of the invocation method. Services can be called by using Java APIs, web services, watched folders, or email. Service endpoints are also exposed as destinations that RIAs can easily call.

This illustration provides a closer view of how the key product components fit together within the server architecture.

The development area includes Workbench tools and the repository. Development of forms and Guides (deprecated), process flows, and related collateral is done in Workbench. The Eclipse-based development environment can also include Flash Builder (available separately). You can use Flash Builder to develop RIAs, create custom components for use in Guides (deprecated), customize Workspace, and more. (See LiveCycle Workspace Help.)
Note: The Flex Worksapce is deprecated for AEM forms. It is available for the LiveCycle ES4 release.

The resultant design assets are stored in the repository, which provides versioning and maintains resource dependencies. This central storage and maintenance model promotes the reusability of artifacts, enables developers to collaborate on application development, and provides security within the development environment.

The common invocation layer ensures consistent interaction with the server through various invocation methods. It supports programmatic and non-programmatic invocation methods, including web services, Java APIs, watched folders, and email-based invocation methods. All of these invocation methods are available to use with any service.

LiveCycle provides integration adapters to ensure compatibility with your enterprise back-end systems. These back-end systems include user directories, authentication systems, ECM systems, web services, JMS, Java Remote Method Invocation (RMI), and email.

The LiveCycle service-oriented architecture maximizes the scalability and reusability of services. It ensures that you can easily add, remove, and upgrade services. User authentication, service deployment, and invocation are all managed within a common server infrastructure to ensure system security and performance.

Using cross-platform clients, such as Adobe Reader, Flash Player, and Adobe AIR™, you can ensure that your applications will be easily accessible, immediately usable, and consistent across platforms and devices.

The Adobe AIR run time lets developers use proven web technologies to build RIAs that deploy to the desktop and run across operating systems. Adobe AIR offers an exciting new way to engage customers with innovative, branded, desktop applications without requiring changes to existing technology, people, or processes.

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