Key features

Using Rights Management, you can protect PDF, Word, Excel, and PowerPoint documents by using confidentiality policies. You can restrict corporate training videos to the intended recipients. You can also provide new video workflows based on the same set of SDKs and APIs that are available through Rights Management.

The PTC Pro/Engineer WildFire 4 (Pro/E) product includes direct protection of their native CAD documents. By using Pro/E along with this version of Rights Management, you can distribute product manufacturing instructions and CAD materials. These documents will have the same level of protection and value proposition as securing PDF files with Acrobat and Rights Management. This partnership release enables secure collaboration and versioning during the product design phase. It also simplifies collaboration with external parties during a bidding, Request for Quotation (RFQ), or manufacturing phase.

A policy is a collection of information that includes document confidentiality settings and a list of authorized users. The confidentiality settings you specify in a policy determine how a recipient can use documents that you apply the policy to. Because PDF documents can contain any type of information, such as text, audio, and video files, you can use Rights Management to safely distribute information saved in a PDF document.

You can use policies to do these tasks:

  • Specify who can open policy-protected documents. Recipients can belong to your organization or can be external to your organization. You can also specify different confidentiality options on the same policy for different users.

  • Specify the document confidentiality settings. You can restrict access to various Acrobat and Adobe Reader features. These restriction may apply to the following rights:

    • The right to print and copy text

    • The right to make changes

    • The right to add signatures and comments to a document.

  • Administrators can also specify the following additional confidentiality options:

    • The recipient’s right to view a document offline

    • The right of the user who applies the policy to revoke the document access rights or switch the policy.

  • After distributing a policy-protected document, you can monitor and revoke document access, switch the policy, and change access and confidentiality settings. Users can change confidentiality settings in policies they create. Administrators can change any organizational or user-created policy.

  • Define dynamic watermarks that are applied to documents protected with the policy. These watermarks can contain multiple elements, each consisting of text or PDF. You can specify their positioning and appearance on documents applied with the policy. With the use of variables, you can have dynamically created watermark content that includes the user name, applied policy, and timestamp.

  • Enable or disable Extended Usage Tracking. Rights Management supports tracking of user events associated with various operations performed on a PDF file. The Rights Management object can be accessed using a JavaScript. A button click, a multimedia file being played, or saving of a file are some examples of events that can fired from a policy protected PDF. Using the Rights Management object, you can also retrieve user information. Tracking of events may be enabled from the Rights Management server at the global level or at a policy level.

Using Rights Management, users can open and use protected documents when they are not connected to the Rights Management server. The user's client application must regularly synchronize with the server to keep documents valid for offline use. By default, synchronization occurs automatically every four hours and as required when a user is connected to the Rights Management server. If the offline period for a document expires while the user is offline, the user must reconnect to the server. Reconnecting enables the client application to synchronize with the server. In the Rights Management configuration file, you can specify the default frequency of the automatic background synchronization. This setting acts as the default time-out period for client applications unless the client explicitly sets its own time-out value.

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