How Digital Signatures secures a document

In a typical Digital Signatures process, an application secures the document using the following steps:

  • Retrieves a PDF document from a specified repository

  • Applies a digital signature by using a credential (private key) in a specified keystore

  • Passes a document back to the process for archiving, delivery, and other actions, as appropriate.

In another example, a custom application created by using the Java API uses these steps:

  • Gets a series of documents

  • Applies a digital signature to all of them, and passes a document back to the process for archiving, delivery, and other actions, as appropriate.

The following illustration shows an example of a typical Digital Signatures process.

  1. PDF files are created using any type of PDF production method:

    • Automatically from a server using Forms,

    • Manually on a desktop using Acrobat

    • Using the PDF creation capabilities of third-party applications.

  2. A client application retrieves a PDF document from a specified repository. The PDF is passed to Digital Signatures.

  3. Digital Signatures secures the PDF document by certifying or signing it. It can archive the document in its secure state, as well as pass it to a web or email server for distribution.

  4. A web server or email server distributes the secure document by posting it on a website or sending it by email to recipients.

  5. The recipient uses a public key (digital certificate) to validate the signature. If required, the recipient can add information to the PDF document. If the document is a form, the recipient can fill it and then resign it for submission to the sender.

  6. Digital Signatures receives the submitted PDF document and validates the signature to ensure the integrity and authenticity of the document.

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