LiveCycle requires the JDBC driver for your database and
the pop3 JAR file for email support to be correctly set up for WebLogic
Modify the class path of a managed serverTo access the WebLogic Administration Console, type http://[hostname]:[port]/console in
the URL line of a web browser, where [port] is the non-secure
listening port. By default, this port value is 7001.
On the login screen, type your WebLogic user name and password
and click Log In.
Under Change Center, click Lock & Edit.
Under Domain Structure, click Environment > Servers and,
in the right pane, click the managed server name.
In the Settings for Server pane, click the Configuration tab
> Server Start tab.
In the Class Path box, type the location and file
name for the following JAR files in the order shown:
weblogic.jar (WebLogic Server JAR file)
tools.jar (WebLogic Server JAR file)
JDBC driver file for your database (For example: ojdbc6.jar)
example, in a Windows environment using WebLogic 11g, enter the following
C:\Adobe\Adobe LiveCycle ES4 \lib\weblogic\pop3.jar;[WL_HOME]\wlserver_10.3\server\lib\weblogic.jar;C:\Program Files\JRockit Real Time\jrrt-4.0.0-1.6.0\lib\tools.jar;C:\Adobe\Adobe LiveCycle ES4\lib\db\ojdbc6.jar
example, in a UNIX environment using WebLogic 11g, enter the following text:
Note: The above
examples specify the Oracle JDBC driver file. If you are using another
database, this JAR file will be specified accordingly.
In the Arguments box, add the following arguments
separated by a space delimiter -Dadobeidp.RootDirectory=[appserverdomain]
If you are using
IPv6, replace - with
Replace [WL_Home] with
the WebLogic home directory, as shown in this example:
[AppServerdomain] with the domain directory, as shown in this example: -Dadobeidp.RootDirectory=/opt/Oracle/Middleware/user_projects/domains/base_domain/
Click Save and then click Activate Changes.