Template Manager menu

The menu that appears in the New and Template Manager dialog boxes provides commands for managing form templates.

Opens Designer Help and displays a description of the dialog box.

View > Large Icons
Displays the objects as large icons.

View > List
Displays the objects by name, in alphabetical order.

Add Template
Opens the Add Template File dialog box where can locate a template to add to the dialog box.

Delete Template
Removes the selected template from the dialog box.

Rename Template
Renames the template in the dialog box.

Move Template To > [tab]
Moves the template to another tab in the dialog box.

Add Category
Adds a tab to the dialog box.

Remove Category
Removes the current tab from the dialog box. Not all tabs can be removed.

Category Properties
Displays tab properties, which can be edited.

Restore Default Templates
Restores the default templates to their original settings.

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