A menu displays a list of commands. Some of these commands
have icons next to them so that you can easily associate the command
with the corresponding button in the toolbar. Others have assigned
accelerator keys, which are identified by an underline, and keyboard
shortcuts that you can use to quickly perform common tasks.
In addition to the menus at the top of the Designer window and
many of the palettes, context menus display commands relevant to
the active palette or page.
To open a menu using the keyboard
To open a menu using the keyboard, press
Alt + [accelerator key], and then select a menu command by
pressing the accelerator key for that command. For example, to open
the Edit menu and select the Cut command, press Alt+E T. You can
also use the shortcut key Ctrl+X to select the Cut command.
To display a context menu
Position the pointer over the palette
or page.
Click the right mouse button. The context menu appears where
you clicked.