You can control
access to a form using a password field and a script. The password
field provides a number of options:
A character-masking option that enables you to specify
a character that masks the data the user enters. The password itself
does not display in the password field
An edit pattern, which describes the syntax for entering
data into the password field at run time
A validation pattern, which is used to validate user input
at run time
A setting that specifies the password field as required,
recommended, or optional, and includes a message for prompting users
to enter a recommended or required value
Note: The capture of information and the display of
characters in the field is for visual purposes only. No attempt
is made to hide the value of the field from the programming interfaces
or when submitting data. If you want to secure your information,
you must use a secure link (such as SSL) to encrypt the data as
it is transmitted.
To add a password field in an interactive formIn the Object
Library palette, click the Standard category and drag a Password
Field object onto the form design.
Using the Layout, Font, Paragraph, and Border palettes, set
the properties you want for the password field.
Add a validation pattern that will be used to validate the
password and the message that will appear if the password is not
a valid format.
(Optional) Change the default masking character.
Add any binding information as required.
Save and test the form design.
To change the password display characterThe password
display character that appears by default when a user enters a password
is the asterisk symbol (*). You can change this symbol in the Password
Display Character option of the Object palette Field tab.
In the Object palette, click the Field tab, select the default symbol
(*) in Password Display Character, and type the replacement character; for
example, type #.
To specify an input format and validation messageYou can include
a validation pattern that is used to validate user input at run
time and a message to prompt the user to re-enter the password if
the format is not a valid pattern. When a user enters a new password,
it is compared it to the validation pattern. If the pattern does
not match, a message appears.
 You can dynamically
populate a validation pattern message with a value from a data source.
This option allows you to ensure that users enter the correct value
in the field. In the Object palette, click the
Value tab, click Validation Pattern, and do the following actions:
In the Select Type list, select a validation pattern or,
in the Pattern box, type a custom pattern.
In the Validation Pattern Message box, type a message that
will prompt users to enter the correct value.
To generate an error at run time, select Error.