Password patterns

If you choose, you can define password patterns for fields. Note however, that defining a specific pattern may make passwords more vulnerable to attack as it reduces the possible character combinations that may be used. If you want to define a pattern, use these symbols.

Note: The comma (,), dash (-), colon (:), slash (/), period (.), and space ( ) are treated as literal values and can be included anywhere in a pattern.

Password symbols



Single alphabetic character


Single character


Single alphanumeric character


Single alphanumeric character


Single digit

Note: The O (capital o) and 0 (zero) symbols are intentional synonyms in recognition that these two characters are often mistyped and misread.

Reserved symbols

The following symbols have special meanings and cannot be used in a password.




When submitted, the symbol matches any one character. When merged for display, it becomes a space.


When submitted, the symbol matches 0 or Unicode white space characters. When merged for display, it becomes a space.


When submitted, the symbol matches one or more Unicode white space characters. When merged for display, it becomes a space.

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