When you create PDF forms,
it is possible to include only those characters of a font that are
actually used in the form. This technique is called font subsetting. You
can also embed fonts into the form so that end users have all of
the fonts they need to use the form. In this case, the size of the
PDF file is larger.
Note: The manufacturer of the font can specify the
level of embedding that is allowed.
Fonts can be subset in static PDF forms
In static PDF forms,
fonts can be subset for text and field captions. Subsetting reduces
the size of the PDF file. To subset fonts into the form, the font
you select must be set to the Print & Preview Embedding Allowed
Note: The fonts used in the fillable area
of fields cannot be subset on static PDF forms because the user
input can contain any character from the font.
Fonts are embedded in dynamic PDF forms
In dynamic PDF forms,
fonts are fully embedded or linked. Embedded fonts are never subset.
When a form that has embedded fonts is opened, even if the fonts are
already on the system, Adobe Reader uses the embedded fonts. To
embed fonts into the form, the embedding settings in the fonts you
select must allow embedding for edit.