you are choosing the fonts to use when creating a form, it is important
to remember that not all of the fonts that are installed with Designer
are installed with Acrobat and Adobe Reader. Consequently, when
a user opens a form in Acrobat that uses unavailable fonts, the
missing fonts are substituted, which can cause the layout of the
form to change from the original design in Designer. To prevent
this effect, either form users can install the missing fonts on
their computers or the form designer can select the Embed Fonts
option to embed the fonts into the saved PDF form.
However, forms with a smaller file size can be rendered more
quickly than forms with a larger file size. To minimize the file
size, you must keep the number of fonts to a minimum and avoid using
fonts that must be embedded to prevent font substitution.
Consequently, the following fonts are always available in Acrobat
and Adobe Reader, and do not need to be embedded to prevent font
Courier Std, Courier Std Bold, Courier Std Bold Oblique,
Courier Std Oblique
Minion Pro Bold, Minion Pro Bold It, Minion Pro It, Minion
Pro Regular
Myriad Pro Bold, Myriad Pro Bold It, Myriad Pro It, Myriad
Pro Regular
Symbol (Type 1)
The following fonts are always available in Acrobat; however,
they are only available in Adobe Reader when the corresponding Language
Package is installed:
Adobe Arabic/Hebrew/Thai with all 4 styles (Bold, BoldItalic,
Italic, and Regular). Available in Adobe Reader when the Extended
Language Package is installed
Kozuka Gothic Pro-VI M (KozGoPro VI-Medium.otf) and Kozuka
Mincho Pro-VI R (KozMinProVI-Regular.otf). Available in Adobe Reader
when the Japanese Language Package is installed
To ensure that a form design looks the same across PDF, PCL,
and PostScript output devices, you should use these fonts:
Times New Roman
For form designs that are rendered only as PDF, use any of the
fonts listed above that are included with Adobe Reader to optimize