Adding a new mapping to the font-mapping table in Designer

Designer uses the font-mapping table stored in the Designer.xci file to speed up the substitution of an unavailable font with one of the fonts on your computer. It contains several default entries for font mapping.

The Designer.xci file is located in the installation directory. However, as soon as Designer starts, the XCI file is copied to the user directory.

You can modify the default entries font-mapping table in the Designer.xci file.


<equate from='input_font_*_*' to='Designer_font_*_*' force="0"/>


The name of the font used in the input PDF file.

The name of the font that is installed on your computer.

Asterisk (*)
Wildcard character. For example, the string *Cour* refers to all font names that contain the Cour string.

Question mark (?)
A single-character wildcard.

Bold and italic attributes. Valid values after the first underscore are: *, normal, and bold. Valid values after the second underscore are *, normal, and italic.

Instructs Designer to search for the font on the system and use font mapping only if the font is unavailable.

Instructs Designer to map the font whether it is installed or not.


The following line instructs Designer to map Courier font to Courier New when Courier is not available:

<equate from='Courier_*_*' to='Courier New_*_*' force="0"/>

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