Character-mapping table in ConvertPDF_CharMap.txt

PDF files may contain characters that are mapped differently in Designer. To deal with this issue, you can use character-mapping rules in the character-mapping table in the ConvertPDF_CharMap.txt file.

Designer relies on the character-mapping table to display input PDF symbols correctly in its native character set. The table contains several default entries.

If any of the lines in the ConvertPDF_CharMap.txt file do not reflect your setup, you can remove them. You can add additional lines if required.

The ConvertPDF_CharMap.txt file is located in the installation directory.



The input PDF symbol decimal value.

The specific font name in the PDF that the character must belong to. An asterisk (*) indicates any font.

The UTF-8 decimal value of the same character.

The appropriate font that contains the character. An asterisk (*) indicates to leave the original font name as is.


The following line converts a PDF double quotation mark (“) in any font to the UTF-8 equivalent in the same font:


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