you select a radio button or exclusion group, the Field tab in the
Object palette displays several options for formatting radio buttons.
the type of object. Objects are the building blocks of every form.
a border style for the button.
If a single radio button is
selected, these options are available:
Does not display a border around the button.
Solid Square
Uses a solid square to represent the button.
Sunken Square
Creates a square shadow for the button so that the button looks
three -dimensional.
Solid Circle
Uses a solid circle to represent the button.
Sunken Circle
Creates a circular shadow for the button so that the button
looks three-dimensional.
Opens the Custom Appearance dialog box. Select this option
if you want to define a custom look for the fillable area.
the exclusion group is selected, these options are available:
No Border
Does not display a line around the group.
Solid Border
Creates a thick line around the group.
Raised Border
Creates a shadow around the group so that it looks three-dimensional.
Opens the Custom Appearance dialog box. Select this option
to define a custom look for the group.
the size of the radio button.
Check Style
Sets the radio button style:
Uses a filled circle for the button style.
Uses a check mark for the button style.
Uses a circle for the button style.
Uses a cross for the button style.
Uses a diamond for the button style.
Uses a square for the button style.
Uses a star as the button style.
all of the radio buttons in the current exclusion group. You can
double-click a radio button name to edit its caption.
whether an object is displayed in a PDF form when users view the
form in Acrobat or Adobe Reader, or when users print the form:
The object is visible on-screen, visible in the printed form,
and occupies space in the form layout. Visible is the default presence
setting for all objects.
Visible (Screen Only)
The object is visible on-screen, not visible in the printed form
when printed from within Acrobat or Adobe Reader, and occupies space
in the form layout.
Visible (Print Only)
The object is not visible on-screen, visible in the printed form
(when printed from within Acrobat, Adobe Reader, or directly from
the server), and occupies space in the form layout.
The object is not visible on-screen, not visible in the printed
form, and occupies space in the form layout.
Hidden (Exclude from Layout)
The object is not visible on-screen, not visible in the printed
form, and does not occupy any space in the form layout.
One-sided Printing Only
The object is only printed when using single-sided printing.
Two-sided Printing Only
The object is printed when using double-sided printing. This
option is useful when you want to place the page number in a different
corner of the page when using double-sided printing than when using single-sided
the data according to the specified locale for language and country
or region. You can select a specific language and country from the
list, or you can specify one of these options:
Default Locale
Uses the Default Locale specified in the Defaults tab of
the Form Properties dialog box.
Viewer’s System Locale
Uses the system locale of the user’s computer.
Note: Locales in the Locale list are organized first
by language and then by country or region.