Radio button properties in the Value tab

When you create an exclusion group of radio buttons, the Value tab displays several options that you can apply to the entire group.


Enables run-time calculations and prompts:

User Entered - Optional
Users can choose whether to enter data.

User Entered - Recommended
A user is recommended to enter a value in the field. If the user enters a value, leaves the field and then clears it, a custom message box appears (if written in the Empty Message box). A standard empty message appears if you do not type a custom message. If the user never attempts to enter a value in the field and tries to submit the form, a field is required message appears and the user can choose to ignore the message and submit the form.

User Entered - Required
A user must enter a value in the field. If the user enters a value, leaves the field and then clears it, a custom message box appears (if written in the Empty Message box). A standard empty message appears if you do not type a custom message. A message only appears if there was a value in the field, the value was deleted, and the user exited the field without re-entering a value. If the user never attempts to enter a value in the field and tries to submit the form, a field is required message appears.

Calculated - Read Only
A data value will be calculated and displayed through an attached script. Users cannot edit the calculated value.

Calculated - User Can Override
A data value will be calculated and displayed through an attached script. Users can edit the value if the calculation script has been written to accept the input. If a user does edit the calculated value, the custom message you specify in the Override Message box appears.

Prevents a user from making changes to the value in the field. Indirect changes such as calculations can occur. The protected field is not included in the tabbing sequence and it does not generate events.

Read Only
A data value will be merged or calculated and displayed at run time. Users cannot edit the value.


Sets a default selection.

Note: This option is available only when the Type option is set to User Entered - Optional, User Entered - Recommended, User Entered - Required, or Read Only.

Empty Message

Sets a message for prompting users to enter a recommended or required value. See To prompt users to enter data.

Note: This option is available only when the Type option is set to User Entered - Recommended or User Entered - Required.

Validation Script Message and Error

Sets a custom message to display when an attached validation script detects an unacceptable value. By default, this situation causes a programming error to be generated at run time. To generate a warning instead, deselect the Error option. See To validate user input.

Note: This option is not available when the Type option is set to Protect, Calculated - Read Only, or Read Only. Validation Script Message is a dynamic property. Dynamic properties are identified by active labels that have a green underline that you can click to dynamically bind the property to a data source. To turn active labels on and off, use the Show Dynamic Properties command in the Object palette menu. See Dynamically populate a validation script message.

Form Level Validation Settings

Open the Forms Properties dialog box on the Form Validation tab. See Form Validation (Form Properties dialog box).

Override Message

Sets a custom message to inform users that they are changing the value of a calculated field. The message appears when a user changes the calculated value.

Note: This option is available only when the Type option is set to Calculated - User Can Override.

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