Using the Paragraph palette, you can
change the justification, indentation, and line spacing of the selected
horizontal alignment options:
Align Left
Left-aligns the caption or value.
Align Center
Center-aligns the caption or value.
Align Right
Right-aligns the caption or value.
Justifies the caption or value. Full justification is applied
to all of the lines except the last line in a multiple-line caption
or value (single-line paragraphs cannot be justified).
the alignment for numeric fields based on the radix (decimal point).
This option appears on the Paragraph palette only when a numeric
field object is selected.
Important: Numeric fields
with a defined radix alignment setting are not supported in PDF
forms for Acrobat 6.0.2 and Adobe Reader 6.0.2.
Vertical Alignment
vertical alignment options:
Align Top
Aligns to the top of the area reserved for the caption and
Align Middle
Aligns to the middle of the area reserved for the caption
and value.
Align Bottom
Aligns to the bottom of the area reserved for the caption
and value.
Sets list options:
Bulleted List
Starts a bulleted list. Click the arrow to choose different
bullet styles.
Numbered List
Starts a numbered list. Click the arrow to choose different number
Decrease Indent
Decreases the indent level of the list.
Increase Indent
Increases the indent level of the list.
Sets the start number for the selected item in the numbered
Compound Tags
Creates a multi-level numbered list.
Sets the first line indentation:
Indents all lines by the same amount.
First line
Indents the first line only.
Indents all lines except the first.
Sets the amount of the first line or hanging indentation.
Sets the amount of space above and below the paragraph:
Sets the amount of vertical space above the paragraph. This
value is added to any value specified in the Below box.
Sets the amount of vertical space below the paragraph. This
value is added to any value specified in the Above box.
Line Spacing
Sets the amount of space between lines:
Makes the line height equivalent to the height of the tallest
character in the line.
1.5 Lines
Makes the line height one and a half times the height of
the tallest character in the line.
Double Line
Makes the line height twice the height of the tallest character
in the line.
Makes the line height equivalent to the setting in the At
Adds or removes hyphenation in individual objects (text objects, the
caption area of objects such as text fields, decimal fields, numeric
fields, and signature fields, and the value area of text field objects).
Use the Hyphenate option to manually adjust the layout of text on
an object-by-object basis. This option is available when you select
Allow Hyphenation in Text and Field Captions, or Allow Hyphenation
in Text Field Values, or both.