Run-time (Form Properties dialog box)

Use this dialog box to specify run-time scripting options for preserving scripting changes, and to control the availability of the JavaScript Debugger and the JavaScript Console.

To display this dialog box, select File > Form Properties and click Run-time.

Allow automatic saving of document changes to temporary file
Enables or disables AutoSave for the form in Acrobat or Adobe Reader X. Specifies that form content is periodically and automatically saved according to the Acrobat or Adobe Reader Save setting. Does not run preSave scripts. May reduce performance when saving the content of a large form
Note: Uers can save changes to a temporary file when working in Acrobat Reader, only if the appropriate permission are applied to the form in Reader Extensions.

Preserve scripting changes to form when saved
Specifies how scripting changes will be preserved in a form when it is saved
Specifies that scripting changes in a form will be preserved automatically when the form is saved. If the form is certified, scripting changes will not be saved. If the form is uncertified, certification of the form will not be possible.

Specifies that scripting changes in a form will be preserved through scripting when the form is saved. You must use the delta script object to do this. The Manual option is useful for certified forms.

Enforce strict scoping rules in JavaScript
Applies strict scoping rules to JavaScript. Applying strict scoping rules enhances the performance of forms and makes script more portable. Performance enhancements apply to forms targeted for Acrobat 8.1 and later.

You should not apply strict scoping rules in forms that are targeted for versions of Acrobat earlier than 8.1. When you select strict scoping and then choose a target version version earlier that Acrobat 8.1, the script may behave differently or not work.

Java Script Debugger
Sets the availability of the JavaScript debugger. Available only for forms targeting Acrobat X and Adobe Reader X.
Enable JavaScript debugging
Allows the user to enable the JavaScript debugger.

Disable JavaScript debugging
Allows the user to disable the JavaScript debugger.

Availability of JavaScript debugging is determined by PDF Viewer
Allows the user to assign JavaScript debugging to the PDF Viewer (default).

JavaScript Console
Sets the availability of the JavaScript console. Available only for forms targeting Acrobat X and Adobe Reader X.
Enable JavaScript console
Allows the user to enable the JavaScript console.

Disable JavaScript console
Allows the user to disable the JavaScript console.

Availability of JavaScript console is determined by PDF Viewer
Allows the user to assign the availability of the JavaScript console to the PDF Viewer (default).

For more information see “Debugging Calculations and Scripts” in Scripting Basics.

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