Saving forms

When you save a form, the file format must be compatible with the way the form will be used in the user community. You can save a form as a PDF file or an XDP file. Each file type has different uses:

Adobe Static PDF Form (*.pdf)
Saves forms as static PDF, based on the Acrobat and Adobe Reader target version specified. Static PDF forms render once and are displayed on the client in the Acrobat or Adobe Reader target version. They are not rerendered in response to user interaction. The PDF form may have been designed with a flowable layout; however, when the static PDF form is created, its layout is fixed and the resulting PDF form will not rerender on the client. Static PDF forms can be interactive or non-interactive.

Adobe Dynamic XML Form (*.pdf)
Saves forms as dynamic PDF, based on the Acrobat and Adobe Reader target version. The form design can contain dynamic elements. Dynamic PDF forms render on the client in Adobe Reader and, depending on the end-user interactions, can rerender on the client several times. Changes to the appearance of an object are possible in Adobe Reader because Adobe Reader has enough information to rerender the final output. For example, objects can change color, pagination can change, and objects can appear or disappear. If the end user clicks a button that adds a new row to a table, the form is rerendered in Adobe Reader.

Adobe XML Form File (*.xdp)
Sets the default file type for new forms to the native XML-based file format created by Designer. Use this option if you will be using Forms.

Designer Template (*.tds)
Saves the basic structure for a form as a template. It can contain components and settings, such as fonts, page layout, formatting, and scripts. Use it as a starting point for a new form.

When Designer is integrated with Workbench, files are saved in the Workbench folder on your local system:

  • If you are using Windows® XP, the Workbench folder is located in \Documents and Settings\<user name>.

  • If you are using Windows Vista®, the Workbench folder is located in \Desktop\<user name>.

After you save a form, check in the form and any referenced files in Workbench.

To save a form design

You can save form designs by using their current name and location, or save a copy by using a different name or location.

When Designer is integrated with Workbench, form designs are saved in an application in Workbench. Saving form designs in an application ensures that they are available to others who are logged on to the same server. When you save a form design in Designer the corresponding image of the form in Workbench is updated. After you save a form, check in the form and any referenced files, such as fragments or images, in Workbench.

You can save a form design in several formats. PDF forms saved in Designer should only be edited in Designer.

 To save a form design, do one of the following actions:
  • Select File > Save.

  • In the toolbar, click Save  .

Note: If you are using Designer with Workbench, check in the form and any referenced files in Workbench.

To check in a form in Workbench

  1. In Designer, in the toolbar, click the Switch To Workbench button.

  2. In Workbench, open the Applications view.

  3. Navigate to the form you saved, right-click the form and select Check-in.

To save a copy of a form design

  1. Select File > Form Properties.

  2. Click the Save Options tab and set the save options:

    • To embed accessibility information within a PDF form file, select Generate Accessibility Information (Tags) For Acrobat.

    • To create a log file of the saved PDF form file, select Generate Log File When Saving. The log file is placed in the same directory as the saved form.

    • To embed the form fonts in the saved PDF form file, select Embed Fonts.

  3. Click OK.

  4. Select File > Save As.

  5. To make a copy of the form design under a different name, browse to the location in which to save the form design. In the File Name box, type a different filename.

  6. To change the file type, from the Save As Type list, select one of the options.

    Note: Notice the message above the Save Options area that indicates the Acrobat and AdobeReader target version for the form. You can change the target version by selecting File > Form Properties > Defaults > Target Version > Choose Version To Run Form In.
  7. Click Save.

    Note: Sample form designs and templates are provided. To use them, see the associated readme files. The sample form designs are installed in the EN\Samples folder of the Designer installation folder. The sample templates are installed in the Templates folder of the Designer installation folder. Templates can be viewed and managed through the Template Manager.

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