Adding a prebuilt process to a LiveCycle application
To skip the tasks for creating the process, import the
process directly into your LiveCycle application.
Important: Do not complete these steps if you completed Creating a process and Editing the process diagram. Before you import the process, you must have a form design in your LiveCycle application; otherwise, you see errors.
Adding a prebuilt process to the LiveCycle application
In Workbench, select File > Import. The
Import wizard appears.
Select General > File System, and then click Next.
Beside the From Directory list, click Browse. The
Import From Directory dialog box appears.
In the right-pane, select PreLoanProcess.process and PreLoanProcess.process_dependency.
Beside the Into Folder box, click Browse. The Import
Into Folder dialog box appears.
Select LiveCycle server > FirstApp > 1.0,
click OK, and then click Finish.
In the Applications view, right-click PreLoanProcess and
select Check In.
You have imported a prebuilt
process. It would be a good idea to validate the imported process
before you start the next module. (See Validating a process.).