Adding a prebuilt process to a LiveCycle application

To skip the tasks for creating the process, import the process directly into your LiveCycle application.

Important: Do not complete these steps if you completed Creating a process and Editing the process diagram. Before you import the process, you must have a form design in your LiveCycle application; otherwise, you see errors.

Adding a prebuilt process to the LiveCycle application

  1. In Workbench, select File > Import. The Import wizard appears.

  2. Select General > File System, and then click Next.

  3. Beside the From Directory list, click Browse. The Import From Directory dialog box appears.

  4. Navigate to the folder that you extracted the tutorial assets and click OK. (See Downloading and extracting the tutorial assets.)

  5. In the right-pane, select PreLoanProcess.process and PreLoanProcess.process_dependency.

  6. Beside the Into Folder box, click Browse. The Import Into Folder dialog box appears.

  7. Select LiveCycle server > FirstApp > 1.0, click OK, and then click Finish.

  8. In the Applications view, right-click PreLoanProcess and select Check In.

You have imported a prebuilt process. It would be a good idea to validate the imported process before you start the next module. (See Validating a process.).

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