Use the New Process wizard to create a process. The wizard
guides you through the steps for configuring the process and creating
the necessary start points. Start points represent how a process
is invoked or started. The process you create is started from Workspace.
Create a process using the New Process wizardEnsure
that you are logged in to Workbench.
Select File > New > Process. The
New Process wizard appears.
In the New Process pane, perform these tasks:
In the Name box, type PreLoanProcess to
replace the default text.
In the Description box, type A process to handle preliminary loan approvals.
Below the Enter Or Select Parent Folder box, select FirstApp > FirstApp/1.0,
and then click Next.
In the Configure A Start Point pane, select the When a user submits a task in Workspace option
and click Next.
In the Workspace Start Point Configuration pane, complete
these steps:
Select the Use an existing Form option.
In the pane below the Enter Or Select An Asset box, click FirstApp > FirstApp/1.0 > PreLoanForm,
and click Next.
Ensure that the Create a New Workspace Category option
is selected and, below it, delete the default text and type Loans.
In the Workspace Process Name box, delete the default
text, and type Apply for preliminary loan.
In the Description box, type Fill the form to start the approval process. to
replace the default text.
Beside Icon label, click the Browse button.
Navigate to the location where you extracted the tutorial
assets, select houseImage.jpg, click Open, and then
click Next.
In the New Process Configuration Summary pane, click Finish.
you complete the steps, an editor appears with the process diagram displayed
in it. The process diagram contains these start points:
A Default start point that specifies that the process is
invoked programmatically from a web service (SOAP/REST), Java, or
Data Services.
A Workspace start point that specifies that the process is
invoked using Workspace.
The following illustration
shows the editor and identifies areas of the process diagram referred
to in this tutorial.