Use Workbench to export a deployed LiveCycle application.
The LiveCycle application is exported as an archive file, which
contains the latest versions of all assets in the application.
Export an application:
In Workbench, in the Applications
view, right-click FirstApp > FirstApp/1.0, and
select Create LiveCycle Archive. The Create New LiveCycle
Archive wizard appears.
In the Create An Application Archive pane, select the Create a new archive file option,
and click Next.
Note: If you have files
checked out, you are prompted to check in all files before you can
export your application.
In the Archive Properties pane, verify that the FirstApp and FirstApp/1.0 check
boxes are selected.
Beside the Local File System Destination box, click the ellipsis button.
The Save As dialog box appears.
Navigate to a location on your computer where you want to
save your file, such as C:\.
In the File name box, type a name, such as FirstAppEx,
to replace the default name.
Click Save and then click Finish.
When the Export Success dialog box appears, click OK.
have exported a deployed application as an archive file. You can
check the file system to see the .lca file.