You will use the Applications and Services page in Administration
Console to import a LiveCycle application to the LiveCycle server.
When you log in to Administration Console, the user profile that
you use must be assigned either the Application Administrator or
Super Administrator role.
Log in to Administration Console to import archive file
In the URL line of a web browser, type http://[server]:[port]/adminui where [server] represents
the network name of the LiveCycle server and [port]represents
the port number of the LiveCycle server.
For example, in the
URL line of the web browser, type http://localhost:8080/adminui.
Press Enter.
On the Administration log screen, complete these steps:
In the User ID box, type atanaka
In the Password box, type password
Click Login.
It is recommended that
you use the Akira Tanaka (atanaka) user profile for this tutorial.
(See Understanding the sample environment). If you use a different user profile,
you can use it instead of the Akira Tanaka user profile.
On the Administration Console home page, click Services > Applications and Services > Application Management.
On the Application Management page, click Import.
On the Application/Archive Import page, click Browse.
The File Upload dialog box appears.
On your computer, navigate to the location of the LiveCycle
application archive file such as C:\FirstAppEx.lca, click Open,
and then click Preview.
On the Preview Application page, select the Deploy assets to runtime when import is complete check
box, and then click Import.
On the Application Management Page, verify that the FirstApp
LiveCycle application is deployed and click Logout. If the
FirstApp LiveCycle application successfully deployed, a green check
mark in the Deployed column appears beside it, as shown in this