Print the completed correspondence

This action sends the correspondence to the specified printer, which can either be the default printer configured for the associated process or a custom printer URL specified by the user.
  1. Click on the Letters tab in the Manage Assets UI.

  2. In the Print Letter dialog, choose either PS (PostScript) or PCL (Printer Command Language) as the Print Format.
    When you choose the PS print format, the correspondence attachments are also printed with the correspondence. Attachments are not printed for the PCL print format.
  3. Choose one of the following print types:
    • Simplex

    • Duplex Long Edge

    • Duplex Short Edge

  4. If necessary, specify a custom printer URL. Otherwise, select Use Default to use the default printer configured for process associated with the print action.

  5. Click OK.

Note: If you are printing correspondence that includes attachments that are either Microsoft Office documents or images, ensure that you have PDF Generator module configured.
Note: OMR tags and duplicate print are also supported. The new sample package updates the LayoutGeneric layout that contains the duplicate insertion point and OMR capabilities to the layout. So, these capabilities would be available out-of-the-box for the ‘ReinstantiationNotice’ and ‘NoticeOfCancellation’ Letters.

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