The navigation panel of the Create Correspondence user
interface allows you to navigate through the editable text modules
contained in a letter.
Note: When you navigate through the letter, the navigation move
from one editable text module to the next irrespective of the location
of the modules. For example, say a letter contains one text module
followed by a list that contains text module. The navigation will
move to the text module contained in the list even though it is
not directly contained in the letter.
Navigate editable text module in a letter
Open a letter in the Create Correspondence user interface.
Navigation panel displays at the bottom of the user interface.
Click the Forward button to go to the first editable text
module contained in the letter.
Continue to click Forward
to navigate through all the editable text modules till you reach
the last module.
Click the Back button to navigate to the previous editable
text module.
By default, the navigation takes you through
only modules that are marked as visible in the letter.
Select the Show All checkbox to navigate through editable
text modules whether they are marked as visible or not.
If you make changes to the contents of a text module:
Choose Save to save the changes and remain in the current
Choose Save & Next to save the changes in the current
module and move to the next module.
Note: If you make
changes to the current module and click the Forward or Back button,
you are prompted for unsaved changes.
Choose Cancel to close the letter in the Create Correspondence
user interface.