The following procedure describes how to localize a data
dictionary element.
In the Manage Assets user interface, create a data dictionary.
Double-click the data dictionary.
In the Data Dictionary Editor dialog, click the Export Localization
can prompted to export the data dictionary definition to a .zip
Select a name and location for the exported .zip file.
On your file system, navigate to and extract out the contents
of .zip file.
The .zip file contains a .properties file. This
file defines the exported data dictionary definition.
Open the .properties file in any text editor.
The structure
of the properties file defines one line each for the description and
the display name for the data dictionary and each data dictionary
element in the data dictionary. In addition, the properties file
defines one line for an enum value set for each data dictionary
element. As with a data dictionary, the corresponding properties
file can have multiple data dictionary elements definitions. In
addition, the file can contain the definitions for one or more enum
value sets.
To update the .properties file in a different locale, update
the display name and description values in the file.
Save the updated file as:
- <Properties
file name>
- French
- <Properties file name>
- German
- <Properties file name>
- Japanese
- <Properties file name>
- English
You can create multiple
.properties files for the data dictionary.
Archive the .properties file (or files for multiple locales)
into a single .zip file.
In the Manage Assets user interface, double-click the data
dictionary that you exported.
In the Data Dictionary Editor dialog, click the Import Localization
can prompted to import the .zip file.
Navigate to and select the .zip file containing the localized
.properties files.
To view the localization changes, change your browser locale.
Use the above procedure to also localize Layout and Fragment
Layout elements in the Manage Assets user interface.
When you localize the element meta data, the following changes
are visible to your users: