Locale-based formatting of numeric and date fields

To change the formatting of numeric and date fields, you can change the formatting of data entry and data display fields from the Asset Composer configuration.

Data Edit Format

The Data Edit Format defines the format in which data is stored. The value of numeric and date fields specified by the user in Manage assets user interface should be in data edit format.

The Data Edit Format is used when:

  • Non-string data is captured and stored as string. When consuming such data, it has to be converted to the data type of that data. Say you are capturing a default or literal value for a place holder in the data editing view of a letter. The value entered is captured as string and formatted as per the edit format from the user interface even if the type of data is date or numeric.

  • Data is written to Xml for transferring to another system or for use in case of Letter Reload. When writing a date or number to Xml, it is formatted as per Edit Format to generate the string representation. So the Xml submitted from the Create Correspondence application would contain all the data in Edit Format for field values and variable values. The numeric and date values specified in Sample Data, corresponding to the Data Dictionary in a letter should be formatted as per the Edit format.

Data Display Format

The Data Display Format defines the format in which data is displayed.

The Data Display Format is used when:

  • Data is displayed to the end user in Create Correspondence user interface.

  • User input is accepted from the in the Data Capture pod. And this data is to be displayed in client locale.

  • Data is processed for merge into PDF Template in Create Correspondence user interface. There might be some content (Text Modules) that contains data elements or variables of type number or string. These variable values are converted to strings using Data Display Format before replacing them into the content.

Update the Data Edit and Display Format

The following procedure describes how to update the Data Edit and Display Formats.

  1. Navigate to http://<hostname>:<port>/lc/system/console/configMgr and log in with CRX administrator credentials.

  2. Search for and click Asset Composer Configurations.

  3. Search for Data Display Formats.

    For the English, German, French, and Japanese locales, you can:

    • Change the date format

    • Set the number decimal separator

    • Set the number group separator

    • Specify whether or not to display a number group separator

  4. Search for Data Edit Format, you can:

    • Change the date format

    • Set the number decimal separator

    • Set the number group separator

    • Specify whether or not to display a number group separator

When specifying the format for numeric and date fields

  • The Correspondence Management data Xml used to render a letter, contains the numeric and dates data as formatted in Edit Format.

  • Create Correspondence user interface captures the data input from a user in Display Format according to the browser locale.

  • During expression evaluation, enum, literal and default values are converted to the corresponding data type using Edit Format.

  • If a place holder is mapped to a field in the data editing view of a letter, the Edit format of the place holder must match the edit format of the field.

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