Creating WebSphere profiles for 64-bit WebSphere Application Server

Use the WebSphere manageprofiles script (manageprofiles.bat on Windows and manageprofiles.sh on Linux or UNIX) to create profiles on a 64-bit WebSphere Application Server.

Create a Deployment Manager profile on the node that you selected to host the WebSphere Deployment Manager. This profile contains the WebSphere Administrative Console and also hosts the cell to which the nodes of your cluster will be federated.

You must also create profiles for each of the WebSphere Application Server instances that will comprise your cluster.

To create a WebSphere profile with the manageprofiles script:

  1. On the computer that you will create the profile for, open a command prompt and navigate to the [appserver root]/bin/ directory.

  2. Start the WebSphere Profile Management Tool by entering the following command:

    • (Windows) manageprofiles.bat

    • (Linux/UNIX) ./manageprofiles.sh

  3. Type a command with the appropriate options to create a profile with the manageprofiles script. For example, type the following text:

    • (Windows):

      [appserver root]\bin>manageprofiles.bat -create -templatePath 
      "[appserver root]\profileTemplates\default" -profileName DS_AppSrv01 
      -profilePath "[appserver root]\profiles\DS_AppSrv01" -isDefault
    • (Linux/UNIX):

      [appserver root]/bin>./manageprofiles.sh -create -templatePath 
      "[appserver root]/profileTemplates/default" -profileName DS_AppSrv01 
      -profilePath "[appserver root]/profiles/DS_AppSrv01" -isDefault

      Creating Deployment Manager Profile

      [appserver root]\bin>manageprofiles.bat -create -profileName LC_Dmgr01 -profilePath "[appserver root]\profiles\LC_Dmgr01" -templatePath "[appserver root]\profileTemplates\management"

      Creating Managed Node Profile

      [appserver root]\bin>manageprofiles.bat -create -profileName LC_AppSrv01 -profilePath "[appserver root]\profiles\LC_AppSrv01" -templatePath "[appserver root]\profileTemplates\managed"
      Note: Above mentioned commands are using minimum parameters required to create a profile. Addiionaly, you can specify the nodename, cellname, and hostname by setting the following arguments:

      For more information about parameters that you can use with this command, refer to this article in the WebSphere Application Server documentation.

      Note: You can view a list of the allowable options for the manageprofiles script by typing manageprofiles.sh help create–– from a command line. You should typically specify the following options:
      • The template path, which is the path where profile templates reside. The profile path is usually [appserver root]/profileTemplates. default, cell, dmgr, managed, management, and secureproxy are examples of profile templates.

      • The profile path. For more information about the profile path, see 1.2 Conventions used in this document.

      • The profile name. Specify a profile name that readily identifies the WebSphere Application Server that the profile applies to (for example, include the identifier DS for LiveCycle).

      • If the profile is the default profile for the WebSphere Application Server. The -isDefault option specifies that the profile is the default profile. On a cluster that uses Network Deployment, the dmgr01 profile typically exists as the default profile.

        Note: Depending on the option that you select on the WebSphere Application Server Environments screen, you may need to execute managedprofiles.bat or managedprofiles.sh after installation for creating profiles. For example, if you select None on the WebSphere Application Server Environments screen, you need to execute the appropriate command twice—once for the Deployment Manager and then for the application server node.

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